We talk a lot on this blog about raccoons. These cuddly, soft-looking creatures while interesting to look at it, could have a side you don’t want to see. It’s best to keep your distance and of course, call a wildlife removal company if you’ve found raccoons taking up a den in your home.
For this post, we’re going to explore the palette of these creatures and the types of foods they prefer to consume. Not only because it’s an interesting topic but also because it could lead to clues in why you can’t seem to keep these pests off your porch and away from your property.
Raccoons Are Omnivores
First things first, it’s important to note that raccoons can survive to eat almost anything. Whether it’s meat or plant life, they get their fill wherever they encounter some grub. To make the “hunt” as easy as possible, they will gravitate toward whatever foods are in easy reach. Leave a plate of fruit out on the patio table? Yep. Snack time. Think your vegetable garden is safe? Think again.
In addition to meat and plant life, raccoons will also consume bugs and reptiles.
Corn is Their Favorite Treat
If you’ve been hoping to grow corn in your yard and can’t figure out who’s been eating the crop – raccoons might be your answer.
They Like to Wash their Food
Raccoons while able to eat rotting trash or even sometimes roadkill, are a species that prefers to wash their food before eating it if there is water accessible. They will store the food underwater or can even be seen dipping the food into the water to clean it and smooth it’s texture before devouring it.
Do Not Feed Raccoons
A number one rule is to never feed raccoons around your home. They’ll not only remember where they got it, but they’ll come back with a larger crowd for more.
If you don’t want to make your home the restaurant pit stop for all neighborhood raccoons then it’s time to start rethinking where you leave your garbage cans, how you close them up and how clean you maintain your premises.
Need responsible, humane raccoon removal from your property? Call Anderson Wildlife today!