Woodchuck Control Services in Middlebury, CT
Call Today: 203-758-0555
Woodchucks, or groundhogs, can cause significant damage to property. They can dig in yards and gardens and under houses, sheds, porches, and decks. Their digging can make a mess of a yard and can compromise the structural integrity of buildings, making them potentially unsafe. Woodchucks also like to eat vegetables. If you have spent hours planting a garden, it can be tempting to groundhogs looking for a meal.
Many homeowners have tried to get rid of woodchucks on their own, with little or no success. Strategies like spraying predator urine, using noisemakers, and spreading ammonia-covered rags or mothballs throughout the yard or garden usually are ineffective. The best way to deal with groundhogs is to trap them and release them in another location.
If a woodchuck is causing problems at your Middlebury, Connecticut home because it is digging in your yard or under structures on your property or eating all of the vegetables in your garden, call Anderson Wildlife Control. We will set up traps to capture the woodchuck and will then transport it to another location where it will be released. We will take it far enough away from your home that it will not come back.
We use humane methods to get rid of woodchucks. We do not use any poisons or pesticides and take steps to make sure that no animals are harmed in the trapping and relocation process. Our methods also do not cause any damage to the environment.
If a woodchuck is causing problems at your home in Middlebury, don’t ignore it and hope it will go away. It will only cause more damage. You also should not waste your time and money trying strategies that won’t work. Call Anderson Wildlife Control today to get an estimate to have the groundhog live-trapped and removed from your property.