Pets can come into contact with wild animals as they venture out into the backyard, a park, or on a walk or hike. While most wild animals will stay away from pets, they can become aggressive and attack if they believe that they or their babies are threatened. Here are some tips on how to protect your pet from wildlife.
Feeding pets outside is one of the most common reasons that wild animals are attracted to areas near homes. Feed your pet indoors. If you must feed it outside, only do so during the day. Bring the food into the house in the evening to avoid attracting animals that are out at night, such as raccoons.
Keep your dog on a leash. An inquisitive dog may approach a raccoon or skunk and get attacked. A raccoon can carry rabies, and a skunk can spray. It is best to keep your dog close to you so that it cannot wander off and come into contact with a wild animal.
Keep your pet’s vaccinations up to date, especially rabies. If your pet gets bitten or attacked by a wild animal, call your veterinarian or take it to an animal hospital as soon as possible.
Have a first aid kit for your pet. If your pet is attacked, you should be able to provide basic first aid until you can get it to the veterinarian.
Put an ID tag on your dog’s collar or have a microchip inserted. If it is attacked by a wild animal, a pet will likely run away. You want whoever finds it to be able to contact you so it can be returned home.
Maintain your home and yard to deter wild animals from visiting or making their homes there. Keep branches trimmed and pick up fruit or nuts on the ground that can attract animals. Seal crawl spaces and vents where wild animals could make their homes.
Install lights activated by motion detectors around your yard. This will deter animals from entering your yard at night.
Wild animals can be a serious threat to your pet. Take steps to protect your pet from wildlife by being prepared and making your yard an unattractive place for wild animals.