Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, can damage your yard. They’re known for digging burrows, but they can also wreak havoc in other ways. It may be clear that you have one or more groundhogs in your yard, but sometimes it’s not so easy to figure out what type of animal is causing destruction.
What Woodchucks Can Do to Your Yard
Groundhogs dig burrows where they live. The digging that they do can create numerous problems for homeowners. A long burrow can cause damage to your house’s foundation, a shed, or the driveway. That can lead to costly repair bills if your homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover the damage. In addition, a person or pet who steps in a hole can get injured.
If you have a garden on your property, woodchucks may help themselves with your vegetables. If you have fruit trees in your yard, groundhogs may climb the trees to eat the fruit. They may also eat grass and chew on wood.
How to Handle a Woodchuck Problem
If you suspect that groundhogs have been damaging your property, act right away to address the issue. If you wait, the animals may cause more damage to your lawn and garden. Even worse, their digging may result in significant and costly destruction to structures on your property. Contractors may have to tear up your yard even more to repair the damage.
Fencing and repellents may or may not be effective. Removing the animals from your property may be a better long-term solution.
Don’t try to catch a groundhog yourself. With any type of wild animal, there is a danger that you may get bitten or scratched. It’s best to leave the task of capturing woodchucks to professionals.
Get a Quote for Groundhog Removal
Anderson Wildlife Control has been serving customers across Connecticut since 1993. We can inspect the damage to your property. If we believe that groundhogs are responsible, we can set traps and then relocate the animals once they have been captured.
We have the training and experience to handle the process safely and to do it in a way that complies with the law. We use humane techniques that are intended to prevent harm to wildlife.
Don’t wait to act. Every day that a groundhog continues to have free rein on your property, it can cause more damage. Contact Anderson Wildlife Control today to get an estimate for groundhog removal services.