Squirrels often look for warm and safe places to live in the attics of people’s houses. An attic is an especially good place for a mother squirrel to make a nest and raise her young.
Squirrels can cause damage to the attics they occupy. They often chew on boards or electrical wires. They can leave behind a path of destruction and possibly create a fire hazard.
How to Tell If Squirrels Are Living in the Attic of Your CT Home
If squirrels are living in your attic, you will probably hear them moving around during the day, when they are most active. Baby squirrels sometimes fall into cavities in walls and are unable to get out. If that happens, you may hear scratching sounds coming from inside the walls. If the baby squirrels are unable to get out, they can die inside the walls.
Look for a nest in the attic. Mother squirrels make nests from materials such as leaves, cardboard, and insulation. If you find a nest between February and May or between August and October, there are probably baby squirrels present in the attic. It is best not to try to relocate them when the babies are young because they could be injured and might not survive.
How to Get Rid of Squirrels in Your Attic
If squirrels are living in your attic, you should not try to remove them on your own. You could get bitten or scratched, especially if you try to separate a mother from her babies. If you remove the mother but not all of the babies, she will chew and scratch to try to get back into the attic to retrieve them, causing further damage to your house.
Call the team of professionals at Anderson Wildlife Control. If the babies are old enough, we will live-trap and relocate the squirrels and move them to another location. We will find the entry points they used to get into your house, such as the roof, eaves, and vents, and seal them off to keep squirrels out in the future. If there is exposed wiring in your attic, you should have an electrician check it for signs of damage caused by squirrels. Call Anderson Wildlife Control today to get an estimate for squirrel removal services in Connecticut.