The Squirrel With Nut Sits On Tree In The Winter Or Late Autumn.

Understanding Wildlife Protection Laws

In Connecticut, property owners are often troubled by the encroachment of wildlife into their residential or commercial properties. This will generally prompt property owners to seek fast and efficient animal removal and damage repair services to prevent further invasion. It’s important to understand, however, how wildlife protection laws govern animal removal to ensure that owners…

Safe and Humane Wildlife Removal Methods

Wild animals can cause significant damage to buildings and yards. In some cases, they bite people or pets and spread disease.  If you’re having problems with wild animals, you’ll want to have them removed from your property as soon as possible and keep them from coming back. Anderson Wildlife Control uses the safest and most…


National Wildlife Day!

Today is National Wildlife Day. We love this day because we love wildlife. We practice safe and humane removal steps to ensure you and your home are safe and also that the animals are removed in the safest way possible. Each September 4th, animal lovers take a day to admire nature and the animals in…


Why Woodchucks Are a Nuisance

Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, can be found in Connecticut and other parts of the United States. While many people associate the small, furry animals with predictions about the arrival of spring, they can also be a nuisance to property owners. Woodchucks’ Appearance and Habits Woodchucks are large rodents that are related to squirrels. Although…