Do you have to swat away mosquitoes while you are gardening in your yard? Have wasps made it unsafe for your kids to play outside? There are a number of different pests that can invade your yard. During the summer they seem to become a big nuisance, but there are ways to get rid of the problem. Here are some tips for getting rid of the pests in your yard.
Quite possibly the most annoying pest is the mosquito. They fly around, give you itchy bumps on your skin, and can ruin a nice day outside. While mosquitoes are an important part of the circle of life, you don’t want them on your property. If you have a birdbath, or anything that may have standing water, empty the water once a week. Mosquitoes gestate over a 10-day period when the temperature is around 26 degrees Celsius, so changing standing water once a week is important to keep the mosquitoes away.
Have an ant problem? One easy way to keep them away is to place cucumber peels green-side down around the area you want to keep them out of. When they crawl over the cucumber peel they will hate the bitterness and run the other way. You can also spray them with a liquid that contains one cup sugar, three tablespoons boric acid, and three cups of warm water. That mixture will stop the ants in their tracks.
Rabbits aren’t dangerous, but they can devour your garden. The cute and furry creatures can be controlled in a humane way. You can make a homemade concoction that will keep them out of your garden. Mix two raw (rotten works best) eggs, one liter of water, and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a spray bottle. Spray the mix on the ground wherever you want to keep the rabbits away from. One other humane and easy solution is to put chicken wire fence around your garden.
No one wants to go outside when wasps are buzzing around. You can bait the wasps into a store bought wasp trap by using a mix of one-third non-carbonated fruit juice and two-thirds water. Fake wasp nests that you can get at the store are also very effective for keeping wasps away. Wasps are very territorial and won’t invade other wasps turf.