Skunks are quiet critters and when you pack a potent smell as powerful as theirs there’s no need for noise. The smell of a skunk spray is unmistakable and can linger for days depending on where the skunk sprayed. Skunks don’t pose much threat to people but the hassle of dealing with the unpleasing scent of skunks is reason enough to evict one from your home or building. Skunks are nocturnal creatures and will often seek shelter under a deck or porch or in a garage and at night may be found digging holes in your yard. When you notice skunks furrowing around your home take action to have them removed.
Approaching a skunk will almost certainly result in being sprayed so you need to be careful when trapping a live skunk. A skunk bite or scratch is nothing compared to the odor emitted when a skunk sprays. Recognizing the small black mammal is made easy by the black coat with the familiar furry white stripe running the length of the body. Skunks are by nature timid and will avoid contact but if threatened their tail will rise and then there is nowhere to hide.
Since antagonizing skunks is a bad idea the best solution is to hire an animal control specialist to live-trap the skunks in your home or building and see to it that other skunks can’t get in. If you notice skunks nesting under your porch don’t rattle them. Call an animal control expert and show him where the critters can be found. Having skunks removed humanely is not hard to do and once gone you can take the preventative steps necessary to shore up any holes in your home or building.