Wild animals, such as squirrels, opossum, raccoons, birds, and bats, can cause significant damage to a roof. They can scratch and chew their way through shingles and enter the attic, where they can find shelter and leave behind waste that might carry disease.
There are a few simple ways that you can keep animals from causing damage to your roof. These are also routine home maintenance tasks that can protect your house from other forms of damage.
Trim Trees Near Your Home
Animals need a way to access your roof, and nearby trees can make it easy to climb or jump to your home. If there are trees near the house, make sure that the branches are trimmed to make it difficult for wildlife to move from a tree limb to your roof. This can also protect your home from damage in a storm since you won’t have to worry about branches falling or getting blown onto the roof.
Clean the Gutters
Small animals, such as rodents and birds, often build nests in gutters. From there, they can easily move to the roof, where they can cause damage. Have your gutters cleaned regularly so that nests and other debris are removed.
This can benefit you in other ways. A nest in a gutter can prevent water from traveling to the downspouts as it should. That can cause water to back up and damage the roof, siding, and foundation. Cleaning the gutters can prevent those problems and help you avoid costly repair bills.
Have Your Chimney Inspected
Animals frequently seek shelter from the elements inside chimneys. If your house has a chimney, you should have it inspected by a professional on a regular basis. An inspector might discover signs that wild animals have taken up residence inside the chimney or might note other problems that need to be addressed, such as damaged or loose bricks.
Installing a chimney cap can keep wild animals out of the chimney. A cap can also keep water and snow out and prevent moisture-related damage.
Have Professionals Remove Problem Wildlife
If wild animals have already taken up residence on your roof or in your attic, don’t try to remove them yourself. Wildlife can bite or scratch, and animals sometimes carry illnesses that can endanger the health of people and pets.
Let the trained and experienced professionals at Anderson Wildlife Control take care of the issue. We can humanely remove and relocate the animals, identify any access points that allowed them to get into your attic, and make repairs to prevent future problems. Contact us today to get help with wildlife removal.