Contact us for squirrel removal and relocation. We service: – Wallingford – Meriden – Cheshire – Waterbury Anderson Wildlife Control, LLC (203) 758-0555
Contact us for squirrel removal and relocation. We service: – Wallingford – Meriden – Cheshire – Waterbury Anderson Wildlife Control, LLC (203) 758-0555
Red squirrels living in the Yukon experience a significant amount of stress, even if they have plenty of food available. During times of high population growth, red squirrels breed earlier in the year and give birth to smaller litters that grow up faster. Ben Dantzer at the University of Michigan and colleagues at the Kluane…
Robert Lishak, an associate professor in biological sciences who specializes in the study of animal behavior and acoustic behavior at Auburn University, is studying how squirrels communicate. He and his students analyzed acoustic signals that squirrels use to communicate with others of their species, as well as potential predators. The team used both model and…
Removing wild animals from your home is only half the battle. You also need to ensure they don’t return. We take great pride in the work we do on homes and offices after we have removed wild animals and prevent them from using their favorite entrance. Here are some before and after images showing how…
Arizona’s endangered Mount Graham red squirrels will soon get a new lease on life with a captive breeding program that is designed to increase their numbers and protect the species. Less than 300 of the squirrels are living in the wild. The Mount Graham red squirrels are a subspecies that has been separated from other…
Researchers from the University of Toronto discovered that Arctic ground squirrels, both male and female, have levels of androgens, including testosterone and other male hormones, in their bodies that are 10 to 200 times those of other ground squirrels during the summer. The androgens are produced by the adrenal glands on top of their kidneys.…
Opossums are slow-moving animals that are vulnerable to predators, such as dogs, coyotes, and foxes. They generally try to avoid confrontations. An opossum that feels threatened may hiss and show its teeth to scare off a potential predator, but it may also “play dead,” or “play possum.” If an opossum is very afraid when it…
Many people believe that all squirrels hibernate during the winter because they are seldom seen. Ground squirrels hibernate during the winter, but tree squirrels, such as the common eastern gray squirrel, do not. Squirrels spend their entire lives in an area of just three to five acres. They spend their winters living in the same…
Fall has arrived, and winter weather will be here soon. Animals such as raccoons, skunks, and squirrels will be looking for warm places to spend the cold months, and your home could be an attractive option. Take steps now to locate and seal off any places where wildlife could make their homes. Start at the…
Squirrels are curious creatures that enjoy exploring. They are also persistent and will often work hard to find a way into an attic or crawl space where they can make their homes. With fall right around the corner, many squirrels will be looking for warm places to spend the cold months. After squirrels enter a…